Our Team

Darren Walker
One time “infant terrible” of the Scottish Hi-fi scene, Darren moved to Melbourne in 2006. His passion for hi-fi meant he inevitably ended up at CAV to spread his own particular type of fanaticism. Raised in traditional British Hi-fi, he can speak fluent, classic Naim and build a Linn...
Sondek blindfolded. Darren has a dedicated cinema/hi-fi room at home so feel free to quiz him on any audio-visual matters and should be your first choice for service-related questions. Do not, however invite him to assess your system at home, you may find your furniture re-arranged and some shiny new gear installed before you can say “It just needs tweaking” Interesting fact- during his now, 8 year tenure with us he has managed to accidently destroy or “lose” 43 copies of Dire Straits- Brothers In Arms- remarkable bad luck!

Reidun Turner
The other half of the Turner siblings, Reidun spent too much of her childhood at Carlton Audio Visual: Moving boxes, watching Top Gun (that’s all that was on) or generally running around being a menace. After an education in HiFi, coffee and everything else Lygon st she moved...
overseas to Germany to become a professional musician. She still plays Viola da Gamba around Australia and internationally when she’s not turning up the volume on some big lush speakers. Reidun loves all things sound whether that’s a cute little system for a small living room or a kick ass home theatre.

Magnus Turner
The eldest of the Turner children, he practically came out of the womb speaking HiFi. Magnus also studied music in Tasmania focussing on cello. He’s a collector of HiFi and can’t keep up with the number of turntables he has. Also has trouble recounting exactly how many Cyrus...
mono blocks he has running his old Dynaudio Focus speakers. You can catch Magnus, often in the early hours of the morning, tinkering with bits of gear and finding the best matches. Magnus also plays cello in a folk band and is out and about on in the Melbourne music scene.

Martin Liedtke
With a love of Music, science, and all things tech, had Martin more brains, talent and ambition he might have ended up as Australia’s answer to Brian Cox. However not being quite so blessed, he has ended up in the strange and wonderful world that is consumer AV. If you’re into HiFi & AV, have...
questions that are of a more technical nature or you’re looking at whole home AV and Smart Home Tech, he’s your man.

Nick Familiari
With a Masters Degree in Architecture, Nick specialised in the acoustic space of public and domestic buildings. His true passion however lies in high-end audio. Nick has been part of the Carlton Audio Visual family since he was 5 years old and his dad was writing about HiFi for the Herald Sun newspaper. He formally...
joined the team when he was 18 years old making it 17 years this year that he could legally drink and work at Carlton Audio Visual…(these things do not happen simultaneously though!) The son of professional audio journalist Peter Familari, Nicholas followed in his father’s footsteps, and was weaned on a steady flow of McIntosh, Audio Research, Mark Levinson, Krell and just about any other elite audio brand that passed through his father’s audio system.