We’re a shop that’s designed to have people come in, listen and take their time choosing HiFi system they’ll love.
Please come in and see us and we’ll sit you down for a chat and a coffee.
Be aware that our premises extend over six buildings on Lygon, Pelham, and Drummond Streets. To make an initial personal contact come to the original premises of 164 Lygon St (next to Vodka Temple) which is our "meet and greet" area.
The nearest intersection is Pelham St. Generous free parking is available on local one hour spaces and there are substantial metered and underground carparks around the Piazza in Argyle Square. Oddly enough this area is littered with Ducatis and Lamborginis, if you are on a motorcycle please park on the pavement outside the shop and be prepared to be collared by enthusiasts.
We have loading zones for "difficult" items such as 100 inch Televisions and Sonus faber Lliliums ... as well as a comprehensive delivery and installation service.
We are happy to accept items for service and repair; just bring them in to 164 lygon St, or if they are very bulky, have us collect them from your car or pick them up from your home.